Environmental and social sustainability
For 50 years Carosello has been at the service of the territory and every day we are committed to creating opportunities and added value for our customers, citizens and the community. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and promoting environmental protection, we collaborate with the main associations and local public administration in favor of projects with high social value, we are active actors in raising awareness of the values of diversity, inclusion and solidarity.
There is more and more talk of #green issues, ecology, environmental impact, energy saving and waste reduction. The services and choices that we put in place every day are all aspects of a single commitment to our customers and the future of all, because Carosello is a friend of the planet!

Certification BREEAM IN-USE

Puliamo il mondo

Mobilità sostenibile

Riduzione degli sprechi - CIBO2


Carosello, tra economia circolare, sostenibilità e comunità
Carosello ha dato vita a un progetto di economia circolare donando gli arredi della vecchia Food Hall all’Istituto San Giuseppe di Carugate, alla scuola dell’infanzia Santa Marcellina di Carugate e alla biblioteca comunale.
Il futuro del nostro pianeta passa da azioni concrete.
Bus Navetta
Sulla strada dello Shopping ti porta… Il Bus Navetta di Carosello!
Comodo, gratuito, ecologico.